This morning, on my drive to Laguna Niguel Regional Park for my walk with Linda and Carie, I heard of "Peep Jousting". The idea was to take left- over peeps, put tooth picks in their beaks, put them facing one another in the microwave, and let them rise until one launches the toothpick into the other one. S
ounds like something Stout boys would want to try.
I only had to suggest it once. They got two blue peeps (all of the yellow peeps are gone) and put in the tooth picks. Andrew says his was the one with the poison tip. (The poison tip was actually the residual plastic on the fancy toothpicks.) They worked at it, until the toothpicks were pointing directly at one another.
I recorded the action in the microwave. Too bad my camera decided to focus on the microwave dots! It didn't work as we expected, but we had fun none-the-less. Now we're working on ideas to tweak the experiment and make it work. Any suggestions? There are more peeps in the house to try another day!
OK, when everyone got home tonight, they decided to include dad in the fun. We're not convinced that it worked the way advertised, but it sure made the house smell like roasted marshmallows!
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