For those of you who don't know, I was a Political Science major at USC. I was accused of trying to get my "MRS" degree by hanging out with the pre-law bunch. Back during those years, that was the furthest thing from my mind. Having been raised as a quasi-feminist, my goal was to make life miserable for each and every man that had a class with me. Although I became a Christian in high school, I didn't have a very clear picture of the value of a traditional wife/mother. My mother was a stay-at-home mom and was continually miserable. She often reminded me about how "lucky" I was that I didn't have to be "just" a stay-at-home mom, I could be anything I wanted. I took my education seriously, and after graduation moved to Washington, D.C., worked on Capitol Hill, got married, and then God had to do some serious work on me to get me to where I am today! Pity my poor husband in those early years!
Although I had a baby in 1986 and another one in 1989, I kept myself involved. First it was to continue working on "The Hill" while Don stayed home during law school. Then, after we moved back to California, I got involved in campaigns and causes.
My Congressman, who really believed in term limits, after his 12 years in Congress, ran for the Republican Senate in 1992. He lost in the primary. I went into a terrible grieving process. It was June. I had three children, and had just finished Kindergarten with my eldest. I actually became useless. I would wander around aimlessly during the day, barely meeting the children's needs. I remember starting the dryer, and looking at the endless pile of clothes and bursting into tears. Why was the sun shining? Why were the birds singing? Our country was going down the tubes. Finally, two weeks later, I told myself to snap out of it! I was going to walk away from politics. It was too painful and I needed to be productive and love and nurture the 3 children that I had. I did. I walked away and didn't look back.
November 1992 brought even worse to our country, but it didn't bother me. I expected it. Now I needed to do what I could to protect my children, and it didn't include politics.
In the fall of 2004, I was teaching American Government to my high school Senior and Junior. I protected myself and although I made sure they were well versed in the issues, they did one phone bank day, and that was about it.
Here we are fall of 2008. I am again teaching American Government to my high school Junior. Tonight I took the three boys who still live at home to a "Yes on Prop. 8" rally. We had a good time. There are 8 working days until the election day. How deep can I get in 8 days? I'm trying to determine where I go from here. I feel this desperate need to get involved. Can I make a difference as one person? I've always been convinced that I can.
But if I get started, will I be able to stop? It's almost like an addiction, and I'm afraid to go there. What harm can come in 8 days? Only time will tell. Check with me on November 5th!
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