One of the more irksome commercials here in California, is where the Superintendent of Schools, Jack O'Connell claims that schools aren't required to teach anything about marriage. Why is it irksome? Because it is not true!
The California Education Code under the section for teaching "Health" is listed here. I've bolded the code as it pertains to marriage:
SECTION 51890-51891
51890. (a) For the purposes of this chapter, "comprehensive health
education programs" are defined as all educational programs offered
in kindergarten and grades 1 to 12, inclusive, in the public school
system, including in-class and out-of-class activities designed to
ensure that:
(1) Pupils will receive instruction to aid them in making
decisions in matters of personal, family, and community health, to
include the following subjects:
(A) The use of health care services and products.
(B) Mental and emotional health and development.
(C) Drug use and misuse, including the misuse of tobacco and
(D) Family health and child development, including the legal and
financial aspects and responsibilities of marriage and parenthood. (E) Oral health, vision, and hearing.
(F) Nutrition, which may include related topics such as obesity
and diabetes.
(G) Exercise, rest, and posture.
(H) Diseases and disorders, including sickle cell anemia and
related genetic diseases and disorders.
(I) Environmental health and safety.
(J) Community health.
(2) To the maximum extent possible, the instruction in health is
structured to provide comprehensive education in health that includes
all the subjects in paragraph (1).
(3) The community actively participates in the teaching of health
including classroom participation by practicing professional health
and safety personnel in the community.
(4) Pupils gain appreciation for the importance and value of
lifelong health and the need for each individual to take
responsibility for his or her own health.
(5) School districts may voluntarily provide pupils with
instruction on preventative health care, including obesity and
diabetes prevention through nutrition education.
(b) Health care professionals, health care service plans, health
care providers, and other entities participating in a voluntary
initiative with a school district may not market their services when
undertaking activities related to the initiative. For purposes of
this subdivision, "marketing" is defined as making a communication
about a product or service that is intended to encourage recipients
of the communication to purchase or use the product or service.
Health care or health education information provided in a brochure or
pamphlet that contains the logo or name of a health care service
plan or health care organization is not considered marketing if
provided in coordination with the voluntary initiative. The
marketing prohibitions contained in this subdivision do not apply to
outreach, application assistance, and enrollment activities relating
to federal, state, or county sponsored health care insurance programs
that are conducted by health care professionals, health care service
plans, health care providers, and other entities if the activities
are conducted in compliance with the statutory, regulatory, and
programmatic guidelines applicable to those programs.
51891. As used in this chapter, "community participation" means the
active participation in the planning, implementation, and evaluation
of comprehensive health education by parents, professional
practicing health care and public safety personnel, and public and
private health care and service agencies.
Don't even get me started on Planned Parenthood's Involvement! This blog is specifically about Proposition 8 and the lie that California Public Schools don't teach about marriage. Further more, Code 200 is listed under the Intended Purposes of the California Education Code.
SECTION 200-201
200. It is the policy of the State of California to afford all
persons in public schools, regardless of their disability, gender,
nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or any
other characteristic that is contained in the definition of hate
crimes set forth in Section 422.55 of the Penal Code, equal rights
and opportunities in the educational institutions of the state. The
purpose of this chapter is to prohibit acts that are contrary to that
policy and to provide remedies therefor.
So what is Jack O'Connell doing, lying in these commercials?
Parental rights have already become compromised in the state of Massachusetts, that allows homosexual marriage. Parents who objected to pro-homosexual curriculum lost their lawsuit seeking to excuse their children from the material, because a federal court said that the public schools, "have an interest in promoting tolerance, including for the children of gay marriages." (Parker v. Hurley, 514 F.3d 87 [1st Cir. 2008])
And for my children, I want to say "who", I want to say "when", I want to say "what" in regards to teaching my children about marriage.
Voting "Yes" on Proposition 8, keeps homosexual marriage out of the classroom, and keeps our Parental Rights intact.
I was once called "sensible" by one of my children as an insult. I decided to adopt it as my moniker, as I took it as a great compliment. Sometimes nothing makes sense, and then sometimes everything falls into place and makes perfect sense. Here is a record of my trial and error, along with the great Grace I have received.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Yes on Proposition 8 will equal RELIGIOUS FREEDOM!
Who would ever consider that our Religious Freedom would be at stake?
Marriage has always been a moral issue. It has up until now been considered between one man and one woman. It is currently illegal to be a polygamist. It is currently illegal to enter into a marriage with an animal.
When the four judges overturned the 61% of the voters and made same-sex marriage legal, they made same-sex marriage a civil right. This means that all Californians, whether they are doctors, Christian school principals, pastors, and members of other religious organizations can now potentially be sued for personal religious beliefs.
In August of this year, again the California "Supreme" Court ruled that two Christian Doctors in San Diego, who had previously been sued because they refused to artificially inseminate a lesbian couple based on religious convictions, could not refuse to perform the procedure.
Basically, in the court ruling, homosexual rights trump Religious Freedom. What's next? Are Pastors going to be forced to marry homosexuals, even though it is against their Religious Freedom?
It is imperative that Proposition 8 passes, because it equals RELIGIOUS FREEDOM.
Marriage has always been a moral issue. It has up until now been considered between one man and one woman. It is currently illegal to be a polygamist. It is currently illegal to enter into a marriage with an animal.
When the four judges overturned the 61% of the voters and made same-sex marriage legal, they made same-sex marriage a civil right. This means that all Californians, whether they are doctors, Christian school principals, pastors, and members of other religious organizations can now potentially be sued for personal religious beliefs.
In August of this year, again the California "Supreme" Court ruled that two Christian Doctors in San Diego, who had previously been sued because they refused to artificially inseminate a lesbian couple based on religious convictions, could not refuse to perform the procedure.
Basically, in the court ruling, homosexual rights trump Religious Freedom. What's next? Are Pastors going to be forced to marry homosexuals, even though it is against their Religious Freedom?
It is imperative that Proposition 8 passes, because it equals RELIGIOUS FREEDOM.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Yes on Proposition 8 will equal DEMOCRACY!
In the year 2000, 61% of Californians voted to protect traditional marriage. It was called Proposition 22, or the California Defense of Marriage Act.
Prior to Prop 22, in the California Civil Code, and more specifically in the sections referred to as the California Family Code, and section 300 defined marriage as:
a personal relation arising out of a civil contract between a man and a woman, to which the consent of the parties capable of making that contract is necessary.
Section 308 was seen as a loophole:
A marriage contracted outside this state that would be valid by the laws of the jurisdiction in which the marriage was contracted is valid in this state.
And the need for additional language became available in Prop. 22. After passing Prop 22 added a new section, 308.5, that reads:
Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.
The voters in California wanted this language included in the California Civil Code.
In May of this year, 4 judges overturned the will of the people in California and ruled to legalize same-sex marriage. Proposition 8, as a Constitutional amendment, will override the ruling by the judges that struck down Proposition 22 as being unconstitutional. The Constitution, as amended, would add a new section to Article I. This new section would read:
Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.
So, instead of 4 activist judges dictating the will of the people, the will of the people will amend the California State Constitution. In this way, Yes on Proposition 8 will equal DEMOCRACY!
Prior to Prop 22, in the California Civil Code, and more specifically in the sections referred to as the California Family Code, and section 300 defined marriage as:
a personal relation arising out of a civil contract between a man and a woman, to which the consent of the parties capable of making that contract is necessary.
Section 308 was seen as a loophole:
A marriage contracted outside this state that would be valid by the laws of the jurisdiction in which the marriage was contracted is valid in this state.
And the need for additional language became available in Prop. 22. After passing Prop 22 added a new section, 308.5, that reads:
Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.
The voters in California wanted this language included in the California Civil Code.
In May of this year, 4 judges overturned the will of the people in California and ruled to legalize same-sex marriage. Proposition 8, as a Constitutional amendment, will override the ruling by the judges that struck down Proposition 22 as being unconstitutional. The Constitution, as amended, would add a new section to Article I. This new section would read:
Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.
So, instead of 4 activist judges dictating the will of the people, the will of the people will amend the California State Constitution. In this way, Yes on Proposition 8 will equal DEMOCRACY!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Don't Get Me Started...

For those of you who don't know, I was a Political Science major at USC. I was accused of trying to get my "MRS" degree by hanging out with the pre-law bunch. Back during those years, that was the furthest thing from my mind. Having been raised as a quasi-feminist, my goal was to make life miserable for each and every man that had a class with me. Although I became a Christian in high school, I didn't have a very clear picture of the value of a traditional wife/mother. My mother was a stay-at-home mom and was continually miserable. She often reminded me about how "lucky" I was that I didn't have to be "just" a stay-at-home mom, I could be anything I wanted. I took my education seriously, and after graduation moved to Washington, D.C., worked on Capitol Hill, got married, and then God had to do some serious work on me to get me to where I am today! Pity my poor husband in those early years!
Although I had a baby in 1986 and another one in 1989, I kept myself involved. First it was to continue working on "The Hill" while Don stayed home during law school. Then, after we moved back to California, I got involved in campaigns and causes.
My Congressman, who really believed in term limits, after his 12 years in Congress, ran for the Republican Senate in 1992. He lost in the primary. I went into a terrible grieving process. It was June. I had three children, and had just finished Kindergarten with my eldest. I actually became useless. I would wander around aimlessly during the day, barely meeting the children's needs. I remember starting the dryer, and looking at the endless pile of clothes and bursting into tears. Why was the sun shining? Why were the birds singing? Our country was going down the tubes. Finally, two weeks later, I told myself to snap out of it! I was going to walk away from politics. It was too painful and I needed to be productive and love and nurture the 3 children that I had. I did. I walked away and didn't look back.
November 1992 brought even worse to our country, but it didn't bother me. I expected it. Now I needed to do what I could to protect my children, and it didn't include politics.
In the fall of 2004, I was teaching American Government to my high school Senior and Junior. I protected myself and although I made sure they were well versed in the issues, they did one phone bank day, and that was about it.
Here we are fall of 2008. I am again teaching American Government to my high school Junior. Tonight I took the three boys who still live at home to a "Yes on Prop. 8" rally. We had a good time. There are 8 working days until the election day. How deep can I get in 8 days? I'm trying to determine where I go from here. I feel this desperate need to get involved. Can I make a difference as one person? I've always been convinced that I can.
But if I get started, will I be able to stop? It's almost like an addiction, and I'm afraid to go there. What harm can come in 8 days? Only time will tell. Check with me on November 5th!
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